ISAIAH 41:10

Do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be afraid, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you; I will help you;
I will hold on to you
with My righteous right hand.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Update... I'm okay. Actually I'm doing Great!

I know it has been a while since I have updated the blog, but apparently it is pretty hard to do when you are always on the move and you have 2 children. I thought this was an awesome picture of Garrett. He has had his own way of showing us all along that he was going to be okay. Whether it was kicking or wiggling his toes in an ultrasound, or this sign right here. Dr. W, the neurosurgeon is very pleased with Garrett's development. Right now he is showing no signs of requiring a second surgery. Thank God. Thank you so much for praying for Garrett. God is definetly shining through with our Son.

In other news, Avery's life is slowly getting back to normal. She spends every night with us now. We are at my Dad's house, but she's loving it. She went back to school on Thursday and Friday. She met her little brother last night and gave him a 3 kisses. Lori is doing well, as long as she doesn't laugh to hard. We had a good laugh the other day when we left the hospital, because there was a man that walked by us. He was dressed pretty decent, but he had Beyond B.O. I was so proud of Lori, because she said that and that is a total Seinfeld thing. Good job Lori! We gotta run. Everything is going good. We have some big ultrasounds next week. Please pray that they continue to look normal. As always thanks for keeping Garrett in your thoughts and Prayers.


  1. GREAT pics of both kids! Love it!!! Glad things are good, that you are all together, and that Garrett is A-OK. :) Thanks for keeping us posted!! Of course, we're praying. :) Can't WAIT to meet that little Strong Boy!

  2. I know how it is being away from your little one. Anthony was in the NICU for 12 days...and I was at home...soooo hard. I went several times a day to see him. Hang in there...he'll be home before you know it! We are praying for that little boy!

    Kelly and Robby

  3. Anxious to get the latest scoop from you guys, hopefully tomorrow. Praying for great news and that he is heading home with good reports!!!!!!
