ISAIAH 41:10

Do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be afraid, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you; I will help you;
I will hold on to you
with My righteous right hand.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Awesome 3D Ultrasound

We had a 3D ultrasound done of Garrett yesterday. It was great! He was making just as many facial expressions as Lori. He was smiling, frowning, squinting, everything! I know that I'm a little bias, but he's pretty cute too. Avery came and was excited about seeing him on the TV. She also wanted our ultrasound tech to look at her tummy. The ultrasound was great! He's a tough kid. He amazes me every time I see him. He was so active that the tech had a hard time getting good pictures of him, but overall she did great. Garrett was kicking and moving so much we were so unbelievably happy. We even caught him being a boy (playing with his dingy). I guess he will probably left handed based on that. So he would alternate from dingy to foot. In his defense, there's not much in there to do. Finally the best, best, best part of the ultra sound was when we looked at his foot and he was wiggling his toes!!!


  1. Great news! Especially the "all boy" comment. I bet Avery can't wait to get her hands on Garrett!

  2. Hey Adam & Lori,
    Just want you to know that Robby and I have been keeping your family in our prayers!!! It's great to hear good news! Garrett is precious on that ultrasound :)

  3. 3d ultrasound opened a new revolution in this century we should thank the Olaf von Ramm who is the developer of the new revolution .its really amazing Idea i can see the very clear View Of My 2nd baby in My ovary :)
